Sunday, June 12, 2016

Recognize and Appreciate

So who has ever had a significant other, they are working, your at home knowing they wont be home for about 2 hours or 7 -10 hours... Now what do you do with your time? Do you think constantly about your mate? Do you miss him/her? Are you bored? Is it your day off but they are at work? If you have a family say two kids, one is 3 years old, the other 3 months old... NOW it gets a little more complex, feelings, mentally, physically, how do you handle the time without him/her? We all know that kids are no easy task. ESPECIALLY "Terrible 3's"! Anyone who has her of the term or title, it exists and it is very real.
In case you havent figured it out, I am a father of two beautiful princesses and a wonderful, beautiful wife and friend. We both work, I am full time she has committed to being more of a stay at home mom minus her part time work. My wife is a freaking trooper! She is a Rockstar! She is my hero because she is Independent and she can handle her own. I am a bit of a prankster, I joke a lot, maybe a little to much especially with her. Matter of fact, you can check out my YouTube channel ic270498 and see some of my scarecams involving me and my wife. At times I acknowledge I do take it to far, she makes it apparent to me as well when I am really REALLY pressing her buttons, and to get her point across she will pinch me or punch me in the arm. When we are both off on the same days, we get to hang out as a family, we drive around, we go swimming if its nice, we watch movies or tv all day, we nap and so forth. When me and my wife are apart, its tough, but we deal with it to provide like all parents do. I have noticed that on my days off, and she is working, I dont know what to do with myself. Time is so slow, I enjoy every minute of the quality time with my daughters, however, I get really lonely. I am in no way not appreciative of the time i get to hang with my girls, its just a total bummer when I know I am missing the center piece of the puzzle. Thats just for one whole day! 7-10 hours go by and she comes home and its like I havent seen her in a week or even a few days.
Now I take steps backwards and look at how my job is full time and knowing that my wife has committed to working less hours, down to part time in order to watch our girls, hold the home down, save on child daycare, that takes enormous guts, courage, heart, faith, love, determination, commitment, and above all STRENGTH!
If I am feeling the way I feel for one day, I put myself in her shoes and wonder how she manages. And get this; she even lets me walk our dog when I am home off work, or go to gym to work out, and she still holds it down at home. She is an excellent cook, so she also has dinner ready to eat, she gives our girls baths a lot of the time, and also gets them ready for the most part come morning time. My wife gives up more than I will ever know, and gives me more than I can ever appreciate and sometimes I feel as if I cannot stand at her level of hustle and grinding! She is truly a superMOM and for that I will continue to learn from her(even though I always try and disagree), I will continue to dazzle her for as long as we both shall live, and I will never take for granted the woman I have which is her and the two beautiful princesses she helped me create.
Now I know I am coming off as my wife is the best out there, but more less in my eyes she is all that and then some TO ME.
Guys, Fellas, Husbands-
We work hard, we are macho, we are smart beings, we are ALPHA - Yet we are nothing with out that special someone, that spark to the gasoline, that special person who you think about 24/7, the one that got away and made it back to you or maybe even you back to him/her, we dont survive without the other half, or the bigger portion, bigger piece. Living in the moment is what we know what we also dont want to take for granted because living in the past or to far into future we miss out on some great things. Sometimes we have our bro shades on for to long and we cant see what is in front of us for that moment when we can have it all. We sometimes reach to far, have standards set to high and ignore the fact that nothing is always what it seems to be and that one flaw might be the missing thing in your life that you wish you had.
Im going to close with my final thoughts:
Appreciate what you have, appreciate your mate or your significant other whatever you want to call it, and keep the spark alive, acknowledge you not only appreciate what they do but truly give them their props and respect because it is always due! Never take for granted that your time is far more valuable than hers/his. Never think that she/he cant be replaced.
Recognize and Appreciate

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Words dont Kill

The the presidential election is getting pretty thick, with Trump disrupting America, Hilary who has more personalities and sides than a rubix cube, and Bernie who is Savage! But overall, I'll be honest, I have not been to in depth with the election, I never really have, just worried about myself and my family. I see how things work, how the world works, agendas are scheduled and will be rolled out whether someone is in power or not. This isnt about the election and who wins, who is winning, its more about how disturbing these videos are of people literally being chased down and beater, spit pon, shoved, threatened to be burned alive in their vehicles as they are leaving a rally, gangs of individuals  teaming up on one. How on earth is this in any way to act? Are we literally trying to hurt someone or even worst, kill someone? And for what? Because we dont like that someone is getting supported? My God, when was it that big of a deal to have an opinion and support something or someone to the extent that you could be severely hurt? How did it get this bad? When the kids that shoot up schools, movie theatres, elementary schools, they were insane, some bullied. Thats what this is getting to the point of is Bullying. We have to step back and think, "Is this the right way to get your point across"? When you got people who are trying to test boundaries of damn near killing someone, thats a red flag. It's no different than saying Lebron James is the G.O.A.T ever, and others, like myself, who totally disagree, or if Steph Curry was the unanimous MVP of 2016, are we going to throw a hissy fit over it and try and get a mob to go and hurt this person?? If its that big of a deal, I would delete them on Facebook, then that would really show them. haha I am getting this on a screen before I let this go. I watched a 15 minute video that just really made me disturbed, and frankly, disappointed that people were in danger for having an opinion. Again, I do not have a dog in the election, just a spectator who is worrying about how I am going to make some money, keep my job, enjoy it, enjoy my family, stick to following the rules, stick with Opportunity that we all have, make a better future for myself, and lead by example. This is a short blog, mainly because I haev to work in 30 minutes, But I will say my typing skills are way better than before haha words per minute that is.
I hope that you all can read this and take something away. If not, maybe the next blog, or maybe you wont ever read my material again... Again I wont go throwing a hit, Ill be an ADULT and accept it.
Back to basics, use words, act like adults, care about human beings, do the right thing, dont bend the rules even if you are in a position where you might get away with it. Just be a good person, have that rub off on someone. Check my YouTube page out ic270498 Check out my app iSee more fun things to come! take care guys/gals!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Idiot trying to be a NERD

Never blogged in my life, always wanted to. Why not now ??? I honestly tried a few times and I totally messed up got signed up for something that I had no idea what I was doing. Figured I lost like hundreds of dollars luckily though, I did not.
Fun fact: I am not an ACTUAL Developer for apps, I actually paid a 3rd party company to build me an app, cost an arm and a cornhole, but in the end, I now have an app on the Google Play Store. People have been asking me if Im making money with the app even though its only been out for about 2 months, and asking if I regret it so forth. YEah I sure do regret taking action, taking a step into the life of risk and stopped hiding in the dark corner where voices are heard but not sure of where to find them. I was tired of being the small dog with a loud bark full of opinions, or excuses why someone is well off or why I cannot move forward. I finally told myself that I do not want to be switching jobs every 5-8 years. Scary part of how fast time is passing is that we may find a job that we can tolerate and then 10 years later you are deep into maybe Corporate life, or Insurance, or somehow became a teacher on accident, or retired because you somehow got a settlement.
My point I guess Im making in this blog is that I am so far from what I want to be and yet Im super stoked to be well on my way to being something greAT IN THIS particular industry of mobile apps. I took the steps to make a name for myself, I know that apps do not mysteriously boom on a first time 1.0 Beta app. Who knows if I even worded that previous sentence correct. It dont matter, with time comes learning, also failure, BUT also Success. Being an Entrepreneur, to me, is saying that you have taken all the tests that life has to throw at you, and there really isnt a grading scale, more less just experience if you will. I have worked multiple jobs, been fired from a few, and a lot of those jobs I thank God I worked because it helped me find what I like, what I dislike, what Im good at, where I see myself moving forward. People is my business, Success is my goal, its a broad one thats to say the least, and that is why I enjoy my choice. It isnt something that can be attained easily and I wont get bored easily also.
I watch a lot of YouTube videos on great leaders, and Entrepreneurs such as Mark Cuban, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Howard Schultz, list goes on. What you will find is that a lot of these individuals whom I just addressed are average persons with bigger dreams than anyone could have acted on, OBVIOUSLY!
Anywho, please download my app iSee, its free on the Google Play Store like I posted above. Its easy to use, straight forward, dope branding, you can locate your phone quickly with a simple word... DO IT!! AND... I have also available our first merchandise for sale Small-XL $20 a pop and I will pay for the shipping if interested. Douches! I mean Dueces!